Conference ProgramJune from the 18th to the 21st 2015 – Milan, Italy Official languages of the Conference - English and Italian.
Wednesday, June 17 evening: Centro D’Ompio Check in
Thursday, June 18 morning: Check in and Transfer to Milan Downtown

Events all around the cityDuring the days before the Festival the 15th to the 17th, throughout the city of Milan initiatives involving Theater, Music, Poetry, Architecture, Painting and Integral Wellness will take place.
Centers of development of human potential and personal growth, such as art workshops, will open their doors to the public and offer spaces concerning the wisdom traditions of humankind. Free entrance Reservation requiredSee program below.

Feeding the soul city_program.pdf
The Grof Holotropic Breathwork facilitated by Jimmy Eyerman MD
Venue: Centro D'ompio
Date: 17 June
Time : 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cost: 50 Euros
Music and Breathe, a safe and secure setting, mandalas to express the inexpressible, sharing without
judgment. These elements have been found to facilitate experiences in the realms of the human unconscious.
Stanislav and Christina Grof incorporated their findings from decades of therapeutic Psychedelic Research.
This profound, gentle, safe approach has been utilized for self exploration and deep healing. Dr. Jimmy
Eyerman has used this method with over 11000 inpatients and 5000 outpatients since he was certified in
Holotropic Breathwork in 1988.
Post-Conference Workshop facilitate by DARIO HAMPI PAKARI
Venue: Centro D’Ompio:
dates: Sunday 21st June. – Monday 22nd June
Time: (overnigt) 6.p.m -11 a.m
-Cost 80€
Post Conference Workshop
The ceremony of two tobacco in the Altar of the Half Moon is a ritual with the purpose of healing and purificate. It is a space where people can meet and learn about the master plants that guide the Human Being into the knowledge of our universe. We sing and pray to invocate the memory and the spirit of our ancestral origins. We enter the time and space of our elderly Medicine and recognize the alliance between heaven and earth, our mother and our father, our hearts and the vibration of life.
Honoring the origin of life, we thank the Four Spirits, Holy Guardians of life and our whole existence; singing to remember, to open the way to the spirits who come to help, we plant dreams and visions for the continuity of life, invoking the vibration of truth and peace in our hearts as our ancestors did honoring our origins. That's why our songs are defined sacred, not only for their ability to invoke and provoke, but also because they are the backbone for the transmission of knowledge. The information contained in these songs transcend the boundaries of thought and are implanted deeply in a sound frequency that is recorded in the core of the physical body, thus causing welfare. Men and women have encountered, living in coexistence with nature, the opportunity to accompany their songs with sounds that evoke deep emotions.
First nation people, have found the way to built and guarded instruments and tools that help them to modulate and support the singing above and beyond their own voice. This is why drums and rattles are the center of the relationship and thus the straight connection with their own ancestors. The ceremony begins at sunset and lasts until dawn, and thus finding light with the main purpose on rebirthing, illuminating the possibility of giving clarity to your own purpose and so give blessings to our own lives.
To all those who wish to participate in this circle we kindly ask you to bring:
- Something to sit on, a pillow or blanket.
- Women please wear long dress or a long skirt.
- We recommend a light diet prior to the ceremony. Having the last meal at least 6 to 7 hours before starting.
- You can bring bread, fruits, nuts, sweets etc. for sharing with family after the ceremony. The time of breakfast/ brunch will be as well, the opportunity to share our experiences.
Contribution € 80
18h00 Formationof the circle
20h00 beginning of the ceremony
7H00 End of the ceremony
9h00 Breakfastand SharingExperience
11h00 Conclusion of work
I was born in Catania in 1979 from a Sicilian family that gave me the great opportunity to move in the late 90‘s to Rome where I began my studies of psychology and practice of Capoeria (Afro-Brazilian art). I graduated few years later from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 2004 and then, it was there that I decided to start my practice training in Guatemala at the Mo.Jo.Ca., which houses young homeless people making from this experience the thing that made started to love Latino culture and its people even more.
This passion was later confirmed in 2005 during my first trip to Ecuador, where I went to perform the International Civil Service (SCI) with an ONG: FOCSIV. There I had the opportunity to work, always as a psychologist, in the "Casa de la Juventud" (Youth Home) back in Ibarra, a little city at the north of the Ecuador.
During the three years I lived in Ecuador, I spend most of my time closely with a Quechua community of young people coming from the region of Imbabura, as well as with the Afro-Ecuadorian communities. When I was living in Ecuador something amazing happened: I had the opportunity to get very close and to start knowing the ancestral Andean culture, where love for nature and its fruits are at the heart of this beautiful tradition. I then decided to start working with families of "curanderos", (which doctors) men and women keepers of ancient knowledge in the art of care through the use of medicinal plants.
It is through the alliance with the leader Santiago Andrade from the family of "Fuego Sagrado de Itzachilatlan" (FSI) [Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan] that I was initiated to be in charge and in custody of the altars of Pipa (Chanupa) of sweat lodge, the "Vision Quest" and "Sun Dance". I also had the honor of being the custodian of the Half Moon altar which is a ritual of purification through song and the use of medicinal plants.
Post Conference Colloquim
First Transpersonal Research Colloquium
Gathering Our Research Community Together
June 22-23, 2015,
Rosemarie Anderson, Ph.D.
Rosemarie Anderson has been Professor of Transpersonal Psychology and Core Faculty at Sofia University since 1992. With the publication of Transpersonal Research Methods for the Social Sciences (SAGE, 1998), she and the late William Braud founded the field of transpersonal research methods by providing a rationale for using transpersonal ways of knowing uniquely suited to the study of transpersonal and spiritual phenomena. In Transforming Self and Others Through Research (SUNY Press, 2011), they presented advanced versions of these methods and experiential exercises for studying research topics using practices, such as mindfulness, compassion practices, direct knowing, play, and the creative arts.
Dr. Anderson has developed a transpersonal research method know as intuitive inquiry, a data-collection procedure known as embodied writing, and a scale for measuring embodied ways of knowing known as the Body Insight Scale. She is also the author of Celtic Oracles (Random House, 1998) and co-author of Five Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis (Guilford, 2011). She lives in Oregon, USA and is a student of Denma Locho Rinpoche and Paul Goodberg. |
Giovanna Calabrese, Ph.D., M.D.
Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and Transpersonal Psychotherapist. Giovanna has always been interested in research, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. |
Regina U Hess, Ph.D.
EUROTAS Board of Directors, Co-founder EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research; Ph.D. in transpersonal studies (U.S.) & qualitative research (UK), clinical psychologist & body-centered Gestalt psychotherapist (Germany), emphasis, transcultural healing practices, research, arts and film. |
Pier Luigi Lattuada, Ph.D., M.D.
Pier Luigi Lattuada, M.D., Ph.D., is a psychotherapist and the current President of the Integral Transpersonal Institute, director of a fully accredited Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training in Milan, Italy and co-vice president of EUROTAS. He created Biotransenergetics, presented in sixteen books. |