Andrea Samar MolinariAndrea Samar Molinari: psicologo transpersonale e allievo nel corso di docenza di Integral Transpersonal Institute – Biotransenrgetica a Milano. Con la tesi intitolata “Il corpo in psicoterapia” ha ottenuto la laurea in Psicologia Clinico/Dinamica presso la storica Università degli studi di Padova. Dopo un tirocinio professionalizzante a indirizzo psicocorporeo presso il Centro di Psicologia e di Psicoterapia Funzionale di Padova, ha cominciato a studiare e praticare varie metodologie e tecniche psico-corporee e transpersonali come la meditazione Vipassana, l’analisi Bioenergetica, il Pathwork (il Sentiero), la Core-Energetica, Usui Reiki e Hara Yoga. Nei suoi viaggi è entrato in contatto con la tradizione sciamanica Mazateca in Messico e con la tradizione afro-brasiliana di Umbanda e Condomblè in Brasile. Attualmente lavora come psicologo transpersonale e terapeuta psico-corporeo nel nord Italia, ed è coinvolto nei seguenti studi: “Alla ricerca di un linguaggio comune tra l’uomo, la scienza e la spiritualità”; “L’uso delle piante-medicina della tradizione afro-brasiliana”; “I canti devozionali delle culture indigene del sud America”. |
Daniel ToneriDaniel Toneri graduated in Physics from Edinburgh University in 2011 with no desire to meet further expectations. Non-academic endeavours were pursued with similar apathy. In 2013, extenuating circumstances forced him to re-evaluate his perception of the world. A transpersonal connection emerged which eventually led to volunteering at the EUROTAS conference in 2014. |
Dennis JohnsonDennis' main interests involve the possible contributions of cultural and historical studies to a contemporary understanding of the modernappropriation of contemplative traditions, the challenges posed by the increasing amount of academic and scientific studies of contemplative traditions across a whole variety of disciplines as well as the integration of first, second, and third person perspectives in the framework of the emerging field of contemplative science. Dennis was a volunteer at the EUROTAS conference 2014 in Crete and blogs atcontemplativemetadata.wordpress.com." |
Fabio FreddiFabio Freddi is born and raised in Varese, Italy. He is getting his counselor degree at the Integral Transpersonal Institute of Milan. His path of inner growth brought him to work for many years with the Mexican Yok'hah Maya Nahual tradition, the Afro-Brazilian shamanism and the teachings of the Indian Master Baba Bedi: his therapeutic approach unifies these visions to wake up the personal power of self-healing. He also got a bachelor’s degree in Human Communication Sciences and he developed experience and skills in graphic design and promotion fields. He has been djing and scratching records since the age of 15: after years of dj competitions, music production and club djing, he is now leading transpersonal experiences where the bodymind work melts down with dance, music and free expression. Currently he is also working in educational and social projects for young people and adults. |
Katerina PolemiKaterina Polemi was born in London by a Brazilian mother and a Greek father. A musician and composer who has studied at the renowned Berklee College of Music in the United States and since graduating in 2010 has been performing in various music festivals, jazz clubs and venues around the world including Carnegie Hall, Boston Symphony Hall & the Stravinsky Auditorium in Switzerland. She has written music for 4 theatrical plays in Greece and has won the 1st award for best music in the first play she worked on. In 2013 she wrote music for the film "Little England" which won 3 awards at the Shanghai International Film Festival this year and for which Katerina was nominated for best music by the Hellenic Academy of Film. |
Nânh Lopes Rossiter FonsecaNânh Lopes Rossiter Fonseca empowers, in her practice, the innate human potential along the path of respecting and collaborating with the natural world. |
Alyona ShyshlovskaAlyona has been part of EUROTAS organisation and its activities since 2010. In the Netherlands she is collaborating with East-West EUROTAS foundation (www.East-WestEurotas.org). Together they are currently developing a series of workshops on Toltec Wisdom, to start from September 2015. |